death watch adeptus astartes ability

solo mode abilities

buRsT of speed 
Required Rank: 1 
Effects: A Battle-Brother can call on reserves of speed when 
needed, crossing great distances to close with the foe. Once 
per game session, a Battle-Brother can perform a Burst of 
Speed. This ability increases the character’s Agility Bonus by 
2 with all the usual associated benefits for a number of 
Rounds equal to his Rank. 
Improvement: At Rank 3 and above Burst of Speed also 
adds a +10 to all Agility tests based on movement. At Rank 
5 the bonus to Agility Bonus increases to +4. At Rank 7 this 
ability allows the Battle-Brother to ignore the need to make 
Agility Tests when running or charging in difficult terrain 
(see page 206). 
eMpeRoR’s gRaCe 
Required Rank: 7 
Effects: A Battle-Brother is touched by the divine will of the 
Emperor, a piece of the Master of Mankind passed down to 
him through his Primarch and the teachings of his Chapter. 
Once per game session, a Battle-Brother can call on the 
Emperor’s Grace to recover spent Fate Points. For a number 
of Rounds equal to his Rank, whenever the Battle-Brother 
spends a Fate Point, he should roll 1d10. If he scores equal or 
less than his Rank, the Fate Point is immediately recovered. 
This ability cannot restore Fate Points that have been burnt 
(see page 205). 
Improvement: This ability does not improve with Rank. 
exTReMe enduRanCe 
Required Rank: 5 
Effects: Battle-Brothers are born tough. Even before being 
gifted with their Chapter’s gene-seed, they are selected for their 
endurance and physical stamina, a trait that only strengthens over 
time. Once per game session, a Battle-Brother may use his Extreme 
Endurance to fortify his constitution, granting him a re-roll on all 
Toughness Tests for a number of hours equal to his Rank. 
Improvement: At Rank 7 the Battle-Brother may add +20 
to the result of the re-roll. 
feaT of sTRengTh 
Required Rank: 1 
Effects: Space Marines are genetically gifted with great strength 
far exceeding. that or normal men. In times of need, a Battle- 
Brother can push this great brawn to its limits to perform truly 
impressive feats. Once per day of game time, a Battle-Brother 
may perform a Feat of Strength. This ability effectively increases 
his Unnatural Strength Trait (see page 136) by one level, so for 
instance Unnatural Strength x2 becomes Unnatural Strength 
x3. This effect lasts for a number of Rounds equal to his Rank. 
Improvement: At Rank 3 and above Feat of Strength also 
adds +10 to all Strength Tests and Strength-based Skill Tests 
for its duration. At Rank 5 and above Feat of Strength last for 
a number of Rounds equal to twice the character’s Rank. At 
Rank 7 and above Feat of Strength increases the character’s 
Unnatural Strength Trait by two levels. 
MenTal foRTRess 
Required Rank: 5 
Effects: The Adeptus Astartes are as strong of mind as they 
are of body, their training and devotion to the Emperor 
hardening their wills against the perils of a deadly universe. 
Once per game session, a Battle-Brother may use the Mental 
Fortress ability to re-roll a failed Willpower Test to resist a 
Psychic Power or an attempt to subvert his will. 
Improvement: At Rank 7 the Battle-Brother may add +20 
to the result of the re-roll. 
Required Rank: 3 
Effects: A Space Marine’s physiology and his training give him an 
incredible tolerance to pain, injury, and wounds. Once per game 
session, a Battle-Brother may call upon his Renewed Vigour. This 
is a Free Action that can be done at the start of any of his Turns. 
For a number of Rounds equal to his Rank, he can ignore the 
effects of a single critical hit, such as Stunning, levels of Fatigue, 
or unconsciousness. Note, however, this does not allow the use 
of limbs that have been completely blown off or critical hits that 
result in death. Also, any new critical hit effects suffered during 
the Renewed Vigour affect the Battle-Brother as normal. 
Improvement: At Rank 5 the Renewed Vigour also restores a 
number of Wounds to the Battle-Brother equal to his Rank. At 
Rank 7 the Battle-Brother can ignore all of the critical hit effects 
he is currently suffering from for the duration of the ability. 
Table 7.10: Codex Solo Mode Abilities 
Rank Effects 
Burst of Speed 1 Increases Movement 
Emperor’s Grace 7 
Roll to recover spent 
Extreme Endurance 5 Re-roll Toughness Tests 
Feat of Strength 1 Increase Strength Bonus 
Mental Fortress 5 
Re-roll failed Willpower 
Renewed Vigour 3 
Ignore Critical Hit 
effects and restore 

squad mode abilities
